View the list of historic landmarks in our maritime heritage community.

Historic Resource Inventory & Local Register

Why did the City of Dana Point enact the Historic Resource Ordinance? The purpose of the Historic Resource Inventory and Local Register is to preserve the city’s rich history and physical location as mentioned in the City of Dana Point General Plan when our City of Dana Point was incorporated. The ordinance established a program for property owners of qualifying structures to request inclusion on the Dana Point Historic Local Register. Letters were sent to the owners of historic buildings in March 2001 informing them of the opportunity to apply. The Mills Act, adopted by the California Legislature in 1976, authorizes local governments to grant property tax relief to owners of qualified historic properties. Programs such as this exist in San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Santa Barbara and other communities throughout California and the nation.

Why would the owner of a historic building want to apply? Properties on the Historic Register are eligible for certain incentives to help compensate the owner for the preservation costs of their historical structures. Historic designation of a structure commits the property owners to uphold the historical attributes of their structure in exchange for development standard flexibility and financial incentives, such as waived permit fees for an addition or rehabilitation as well as the Mills Act property tax abatement program. Some historic property owners have had their property taxes reduced by as much as half of the original amount. Others have saved hundreds of dollars on permit fees.

See the Dana Point historic home registry that features the following historic designated properties:

35101 Camino Capistrano

1 Capistrano by the Sea

33962 Granada

33762 Chula Vista Avenue

26771 Calle Real

34001 Chula Vista Avenue

26822 Vista Del Mar

33901 El Encanto Avenue

33905 El Encanto Avenue

33912 El Encanto Avenue

34260-62-64 Via Velez

34041 Chula Vista Avenue

34031 Chula Vista Avenue

34021 Street of the Amber Lantern

34010 Street of the Amber Lantern

33941 Copper Lantern

24721 El Camino Capistrano

24231 La Cresta

33872 Valencia