The Dana Point Historical Society held its annual meeting and potluck dinner on Wednesday, January 22, at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church’s Bankson Hall. The membership elected former Vice President Marsha LaRusso as President of the Society. In addition, Gary Macrides was elected as 1st Vice President and Jeff Lander was elected as 2nd Vice President of Membership. Out-going President Barbara Johannes was inducted as Historian and President Emeritus. Newly elected Dana Point Mayor Matthew Pagano was our guest speaker and inducted our new officers and board members.

Outgoing President Barbara Johannes, above left, with a specially engraved crystal vase presented by the Society, is shown with incoming President Marsha LaRusso.

Mayor Matthew Pagano, above left, inducts the Society’s 2025 officers and board members. Left to right: Barbara Johannes, Historian and President Emeritus; Marsha LaRusso, President; Gary Macrides, 1st Vice President; Heidi Hyde, Secretary; Gary Prenovost, Treasurer; Jeff Lander, 2nd Vice President, Membership.