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Ocean Institute Mural

The Ocean Institute unveiled an incredible mural created by renowned ocean advocate and artist NöcHe, in collaboration with the Mares Foundation. This mural, which highlights native marine species and ecosystems, will was revealed at a special ceremony on Tuesday, October 8th, at 8:30 AM at the Ocean Institute.

About the Mares Foundation:
The Mares Foundation believes that the effects of ocean pollution can be reversed by educating and empowering youth across Latin America. Through initiatives like beach cleanups, ocean literacy programs, urban art, and leadership development, the foundation strives to inspire future generations to take action in protecting marine ecosystems. Their work creates a lasting legacy of ocean stewardship that extends far beyond the foundation itself.

About NöcHe:
NöcHe has a degree in Communication Sciences and is an urban plastic artist with just over 20 years of experience in cultural management. He currently designs projects in connection with different government systems: municipal, state and national through programs such as Alas y Raíces Mexico and Crecer con Arte. In particular, it is linked to private companies and civil associations with cultural dissemination projects. He is co-founder and active member of AO Latinoamérica, a group that promotes ocean education. A student of the Master’s Degree in Social Projects at UABC, he has multiple awards with recognition such as a distinguished citizen 2019 Ensenada, National SEP 2020 (by book cover illustration), Mares Foundation Award 2022, Arista of the Year 2023 and Cultural Promoter of the Year 2024, among others. Follow NöcHe on instagram: Instagram (@nocheadn)

Ocean Institute Mural by 70 Degrees